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 Case history

40 year male autodriver by occupation resident of Narketpally came to General medicine opd with complains of Pain abdomen since 3 days, Cough since three days and Difficulty breathing since 3 days

Patient is apparently alright until 3 days ago then had complains of Epigastric pain and abdominal bloating sensation , insidious onset, intermittent , No aggravating and relieving factors. Patient consumed soda water, eno, jeera soda to alleviate symptoms

Complains of Non productive cough insidious onset associated with shortness of breath progressive from grade 1 to grade 4 aggreviated on supine position and lying on right side. 

History of low grade fever not associated with chills and rigor, no diurnal variations relieved with Tab PCM650 mg

No complains of loss of appetite, weight loss, insomnia 

No complains of Orthopnea, PND, Palpitations, profuse sweating

No complaints of burning micturition, increased or decreased urine output

No complains of nausea, vomiting, loose stools


6 months ago patient had fever, body pains, tingling sensation in both hands and legs. Went to local hospital RBS was 270mg/dl and was diagnosed with Diabetes


30 year male born in Nalgonda to a non consanguineous marriage, father and mother were daily wage laborers. Milestones achieved normal. His younger sister was succumbed to death at 6 months old due to appendicitis. As patient parents used to stay away from home for days to months he used to migrate from his grandmothers home to aunt and their home causing disturbances to his studies. He went to private school, studied hard and passed 10th standard. At age 18 his father was diagnosed with Diabetes which made him to discontinue his studies and started working. As he  learned car driving and his close circle doesn’t own an auto, it drived passion to own an auto and made it aa his occupation to drive an auto. Initially he rented the auto and deliver water cans. But as people installed home filters delivering water did not give him much profit and shifted his work to delivering vegetables to market. As days passed by he owned an auto with his hard earned money and learnt that vegetables rotten easily and he had to take frequent trips to market to deliver them unlike fruits which can still look fresh for a day or two. So he ultimately settled with fruits. In 2011 he married to his uncle’s daughter and had one elder son within an year of marriage and one daughter after three years of his marriage. In 2015 patients father was diagnosed with CVA and was treated in our hospital. Patient had taken care of his father daily needs .Patient’s father succumbed to death four years later. Since then he shouldered up all the responsibilities and took care of family of 6 members including mother wife , two children and his divorcee sister. 

Daily routine

Wakes up at 5:30am walks in home and cleans his auto freshen up, drinks a glass of tea with little sugar and go to work by 8:30am. Around 10 he drinks Raagi jaava and continue his work. At 1pm he has lunch usually rice and curry. Drives auto and come back home by 7. 7-9pm he sits in his fruit store, close the store by 9pm and go home. Have his dinner usual jonna roti and a cup of tea before going to bed at 10:30pm


Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative

Temp- 97.6F




Spo2- 99% at RA

GRBS: 128 mg/dl


No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema



No Halitosis

Oral hygiene maintained

No oral thrush 

No post nasal drip

No pharyngeal deposits

Normal tonsils

No Dental caries

Septum - Turbinate hyper trophy

No nasal polyps

No sinus tenderness



Chest is asymmetrical

Trachea appears to be central

Trails sign negative

Apical impulse not visible

Respiratory movements appreciated right side

Tactile vocal fremitus- Decreased on left side

No dropping of shoulder

Supraclavicular hollow - right side

Infraclavicular hollow absent

No intercostal fullness, indrawing, retraction, widening 

No crowding of ribs 

No scorbutic/rachetic rosary 

No Harrisons sulcus, no pectus cavinatum/excavatum

No kyphoscoliosis/ winging of scapula

No scars, sinuses, dilated veins

No use of accessory muscles for respiration 


All inspectory findings are confirmed

Trachea midline

No tracheal tug


left hemithorax-51cms

 right hemithorax-50cms



Apical impulse not felt

Chest movements decreased on left upper and lower zone


All areas resonant on percussion 

No percussion tenderness


Decreased breath sounds on left side

Vocal resonance decreased on left side

Bronchophony decreased on left side

Egophony positive on left side

Pectoriloqy decreased on left side

Succession splash negative on both sides

CVS: S1S2 Heard, No murmur

P/A: Soft, Non tender





Cell count


Colour- colourless

Appearance- clear

Total count 2350 cells/cumm


Neutrophils 5%

Lymphocytes 95%


Others Nil

Sugar 144mg/dl

Protein 5 g/dl

Pleural fluid ADA 24 U/L

Pleural fluid LDH 238 IU/L

Serum LDH 210 IU/L


Pleural fluid 

Sugar 166 mg/dl

Protein 4.8 g/dl

Pleural fluid LDH 8.2 IU/L

ESR 35mm/1st hour

CRP positive 2.4mg/dl

FBS        171mg/dl

PLBS.    134mg/dl

HBA1C  7%


Hemoglobin 12.7gm/dl

Total count 8,400 cells/cumm

N/L/E/M/B  60/30/2/8/0

PCV 36.0

RBC 4.4

Platelet 4.6 lakhs/cumm

Smear : normocytic normochromic


Albumin   Nil

Sugar        Nil

Pus cells   2-3

Epithelial cells   2-3

RBC         Nil

Phosphorous 3.2 mg/dl

Blood urea 18mg/dl

Serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dl

Sodium 137 mmol/l

Potassium 4.1 mmol/l

Chloride 98 mmol/l

Calcium ionized 1.02mmol/l

Calcium 10.0 mg/dl

Day 1 

Chest X-ray 


Day 2

Day 3




On follow up





[26/12/24, 15:19:58] ✍🏼: RBS-180

[26/12/24, 15:20:27] ✍🏼: Patient came to today’s opd

He is on att since may

@✍️ shall we ask him to stop the medicines sir?

[26/12/24, 16:04:37] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Yes isn't it supposed to be stopped by RNTEP?


40 year Male auto driver by occupation Diabetic admitted with complains of epigastric pain, Non productive cough associated with Shortness of breath progressive from Grade 1 to Grade 4. On auscultation there are decreased breath sounds in left side.

Chest X-ray showed massive left pleural effusion. Serum LDH:210 IU/L Peural LDH: 280 IU/L (238/210=1.33). Pleural protein:5g/dl serum protein:6.7 g/dl. (5/6.7=0.74).

Cytosmear studied shows Numerous lymphocytes, macrophages, few epitheliod like looking cells in a hemorrhagic necrotic background

We tried to measure the mediastinal shift using a 2D echo probe displacement as shown in the video attached below

Typically, these shifts are observed on x-ray but also on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On chest x-ray, tracheal deviation, or movement of the trachea away from its midline position can be used as a sign of a shift. Other structures, like the heart, can also be used as reference points. [1]



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