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Showing posts from November, 2023


  Chief Complaints: Patient came to casualty with H/O 2-3 episodes of involuntary movements of right upper and lower limb and face since evening(28/10/23) History Of Presenting Illness: Patinet was apparently asymptomatic till today afternoon after she which she started having involuntary movements of right right upper and lower limbs associated with up rolling of eye balls and frothing not associated with involuntary micturation and defecation associated with postictal  confusion for 15-20min. H/o seizure activity on and off from past 3years and is on medication. No h/0 fever and head trauma. K/c/o Hypertension,CVA Past History: N/k/c/o  DiabetesTuberculosis,bronchial asthma,epilepsy,CAD. Personal History: Diet : Mixed  Appetite : Normal Sleep : Normal Bowel and bladder moments :Regular   Addictions:None Family History : Not significant  General physical examination: Patient is unconscious  Moderately built and nourished. Pallor: Absent Icterus: absent Cyanosis: absent Clubbing: absen