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Project thematic analysis

 Prompts Please thematically analyse the case report content below by separately addressing the four points below: Coding:  identify initial codes and labels to capture the key concepts and ideas. Categorization: group the codes into categories and subcategories to organize the data. Theme identification: identify the emerging themes and patterns in the data. Theme representation: present the themes as learning points, highlighting the key findings and insights related to outcomes in a patient of abdominal obesity with biopsychosocial comorbidities Case 1 ### Thematic Analysis of the Case #### 1. **Coding:**    - **Early Life:** Limited education, familial instability, early marriage.    - **Health Issues:** Hypothyroidism, hypertension, insomnia, knee pain, heart block.    - **Social Challenges:** Widowhood, financial responsibilities, grief, and loss (son-in-law, grandson).    - **Coping Mechanisms:** Medication (cl
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65F sepsis

  65 Y Old female came to casualty with C/O fever since 4 days,Shortness of breath since 2 days,pedal edema since 2 days,OSA since 8 months  May 22, 2024 202351350 202355137 November 10,2023 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input. This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.                                                                                      I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findin

35F Autoimmune vasculitis HF CKD HTN

  35 year female born in a lower socio economic class lost her father at childhood. She started going to work since very young age. She is younger child to her parents who had two sons before her. Her younger brother suffered from CVA at young age. She loved a guy in her neighbourhood and got married to him. Her marriage life is pleasantful and had no problems.  7 years ago patient had right toe pain and took medications (unknown). Twenty days later she had CVA Rt hemiparesis . Rt upper limb recovered in three days. Lower limb recovered after three months. Later patient had complains of multiple joint pains, occasionally she took pain killers and other medications advised by RMP for her pain. 5 years later patient had complains of cough, cold and sob after getting wet in rain. She was admitted in hospital for one week for pleural effusion. for 2 years she was free from suffering and lead a normal healthy life. In 2024 may patient had facial puffiness went to rmp and was diagnosed with


  74 male from jalalpuram came with complaints of sob and chest pain since 3 days  Patient was born and brought up in jalalpuram,lived along with parents and 3 siblings,studies till 9th standard,no health issues in childhood, discontinued education and entered carpenter work at 16 yrs of age. He got married at age of 21 years and had 3 sons and 1 daughter and lead a relatively healthy life, Patient remained asymptomatic till 14 years ago then he developed tingling sensation and weakness of limbs intermittently for which he went to local hospital and was diagnosed of having high blood pressures around 200/100 and was started on anti hypertensives,he was continuing medication and his bp was under control and remained asymptomatics until 7 yrs ago, At that time he had h/o burning micturition along with pain and dribbling of urine ,he went to local hospital for that and was diagnosed of having prostatic carcinoma and resection of tumor was done at that time and also used medication for 2 y


  48 year female born and bought up in thopicherla to a family of 6 members including four siblings , mother and father. achieved normal milestones. Childhood was pleasant. Father used to do pottery. When I asked how much is the income of her father and that people only buy mud pots only during summer, how would family earn money in other seasons- patient answered that summer is a great business deal for us, but there are many other occasions like temple room,weddings, funerals etc where people use mud pots .  Her teacher is a male and alcoholic who used to beat kids, in fear of that she stopped going to school. At age 9 patient had pain abdomen which was diagnosed as appendicitis and underwent appendectomy  She lost her father 15 years ago due to old age. Mother is now older than 100 years bedridden stays at her elder sister home Later she lost her elder brother due to cancer at Osmania General hospital At age 18 patient attained menarche, in the same year she was married and moved to