Case 1 53 year old female housewife by occupation resident of coochbihar admitted with complains of generalised weakness since 6 years The patient's medical history reveals that she was asymptomatic until six years ago when she presented with weight loss, xerostomia, and anorexia. She sought medical attention at a local medical facility, where she was diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus and subsequently initiated on oral hypoglycemic agents. Around four years ago, the patient began experiencing generalized asthenia and easy fatigability, leading to the diagnosis of both Hypertension and hypothyroidism. Approximately four years ago, the patient complained of cervical discomfort, prompting a diagnostic consideration of cervical spondylosis. This condition was managed with a course of physiotherapy. Currently, the patient reports intermittent occurrences of generalized asthenia, easy fatigability, and xerostomia. She also...