Once upon a time, there was a young individual who embarked on a journey to become a doctor. Their path was not initially driven by a burning passion, but rather by the loving encouragement of their mother. Despite this, as time went on, the young aspiring doctor began to fall in love with the captivating world of medicine. During their studies, the individual encountered a life-altering experience that shifted their perspective entirely. They faced an illness—a personal battle that forced them to confront their mortality and reevaluate the significance of the profession they had chosen. This profound encounter ignited a newfound appreciation for the healing power of medicine. However, it was not just the personal experience of illness that influenced their aspirations. Along their journey, the young doctor-to-be met a patient who touched their heart in a way no one else had. This special patient was fighting a fierce battle against cancer, and their unwavering spirit and resilie...