38 years old female housewife resident of coochbihar Complains of both leg pain since one year Born in Meghalaya in 1983 by normal delivery. Milestones achieved normal. Education - 10th standard Patient was apparently asymptomatic until 20 years ago She complains of headache at parietal region throbbing pain insidious onset radiating to neck and hands accompanied with tingling sensation. Photophobia and phonophobia present along with lacrimation of eyes. Anger outburst at that time. No complains of nausea or vomitings, headache during sleep, diplopia . Aggreviated in summers relives on taking medication saradon. 18 years ago she had closure of ear piercings and pain on forcefully wearing ear rings. Complains of pain in right calf since 15 years after strenuous exercise relives automatically. Did not affect her daily routine activities. Pain aggreviates in cold condition and relives after applying Ayurvedic oil locally Complains of elbow joint pains, shoulder joint, knee joi...